Saturday, November 22, 2008

How Obama Got Elected

I consider myself a rational Republican - fiscally conservative and socially moderate. I do not scorn Democrats for our differences but instead look to build bridges and find common ground. This video however really demonstrates the problem with allowing anyone to vote. These people are so ill-informed that it disgusts me. The Founding Fathers would watch this video and vomit at the trash coming out their mouths.


Brandon said...

As an Obama supporter, I have mixed reactions about this. I agree with you because this shows how many uninformed voters there are in America. Unfortunately, every voter can't be as intelligent as you or me.

On the other hand, you have to realize that this was the most excited African Americans have been in quite some time. It is amazing for the whole world, but especially African Americans, to see the tremendous bridges we have crossed over the past 100 years with segregation, etc. So, I really think you can give some people a pass because on WHO they were voting for, not WHAT they were voting for. These people were voting for a president that signifies their tremendous accomplishments as African Americans.

So, while I agree that voters should be more informed, you have to give some people a pass on this one.

Anonymous said...

They had a radio report on KCBS the other day with the exact same clip you posted.
It's sad to see Obama voters are so ignorant when it comes to politics.
But is it really a problem that Obama voters are ignorant? Or are youth (even college students) in general ignorant?
I'm sure if you asked voters of any party those questions they would be stumped.
The American public just isn't that bright.

Anonymous said...

Brandon, what you says scares me a little bit. I don't thinks it's okay for people to vote for someone because of their race. I mean, they can if they want to, but should we really endorse something like that? WHAT people are voting fore is much more important than WHO they are voting for. Period.

Bride-2-Bee said...

I agree with Brandon not everyone has the time to be online 24/7 watching and analyzing the political stump the entire time. Most of the middle class have to be at work, take care of their children, and may not even afford a laptop or know how to use one. As much as I knew many of these answers, I did because I followed politics as much as I could, but even then I'd probably get 1 answer wrong. I'm not perfect and I doubt it that you are because nobody in this world is perfect. I understand you want to be an open-minded republican or an enlightened republican but let me give you a little newsflash you need to keep an open-mind and an open heart about these kinds of things. Plus that sample seemed really biased and I'm sure there are ignorant people in every political party just like in every political party there are a diverse group of people (even though in some parties this diversity is not equally represented).

Charlotte Florance said...

It's pretty embarrassing but I am sure if the same questions were given to McCain voters the responses would be as equally pathetic. I remember reading an article in Time a couple weeks ago about how uninformed Americans are when it comes to their own government. Unfortunately I can't remember the specifics from it was pretty depressing. The less than like 40% (or something close to that) didn't know there are three branches in the federal government.

Thank God we are a republic.

Aaron said...

This video is truly embarrassing and indicative of how uneducated the average citizen is, however, since when did you need to pass an IQ test in order to vote. Furthermore, if you look at the average IQ of citizens in red states and blues states, you will realize that the red states, or Bush/McCain voters are much dumber. For the past 50 years demographics show that more educated individuals tend to vote democratic. Certainly this does not mean that all democrats are intelligence but more than the average republican. Moreover, this is a reflection of our failed education system, an issue President-elect Obama has promised to address.